"Sometimes the AAMD has justified its 'ethical' stance
against the use of sale proceeds for purposes other than acquiring new items by
claiming that such use of proceeds might make donors less willing to donate a
work of art, or contribute toward the purchase of a specific work of art, on
the grounds that such use would devalue their original philanthropy. This is
also an inconsistent argument. The AAMD evidently has no problem with the sale
of a work of art, whether donated or purchased with a donor’s funds (unless the
work was accepted subject to an express condition prohibiting sale). It has no
edict against the sale of any individual piece of art; its rules are restricted
to the use of proceeds .... If
a donor bequeaths a Picasso to a museum which later sells the painting in order
to purchase a Damien Hirst sculpture, the AAMD assumes that the donor (or other
future donors) will not be upset and that this will have no effect on future
philanthropy. But if the museum sells the Picasso to help build a new wing to
house a collection of contemporary art, then the AAMD believes that this
creates a risk that the donor (or other future donors) will abandon their
philanthropy to art museums. Where is the evidence for this distinction?"